Why Is Japan Still Muzzled 3 Years Out — Reflections on Different ‘Flavors’ of Great Reset Humiliation

Why Is Japan Still Muzzled 3 Years Out — Reflections on Different ‘Flavors’ of Great Reset Humiliation

by Graham Smith

It’s going on 2am here in Niigata, Japan. I’ve finished my regular job and am winding down for the night. I usually fall asleep around 4 or 5, and as such, have a bit of time. And with that time, plenty of thoughts to spare.

We’re coming up on three years of this “pandemic” bullshit. Over 2.5 years out, and as so many of us noted from the very start, this ain’t about no disease. It’s about a massive economic and cultural reset.

There has been so much abject silliness, insanity, death, injury, hatred, and lunacy since March 2020 it’s basically impossible to keep tabs on it all. The whole thing has evolved from a kind of alarm, to joking about people at the supermarket with bags on their heads, to threats of impending nuclear war, taxing cow farts, and fake energy crises.

Many friends and loved ones have been lost. Not only to vaccine injury and forced-intubation murder at hospitals, but also to the division this cult of the crown virus has worked to inculcate in societies all around the globe. Friendships fractured, family members left out of thanksgiving dinner. Countless old people dying alone and without any human contact from their families in hospitals and nursing homes.

Flavors of the Reset: Muzzles, Climate Change, Inflation, War, and Cricket Meal

The Americans in general have moved on from the masking thing. Although, the child molester pedophile in the White House is still making spooky threats about the unjabbed dying in droves, on national TV. As it is such a huge place, regions in the United States vary, but compared to Japan, the place is basically unmasked at this point.

I’d now like to take you to Japan, where everyone is still muzzled. The needles are being pushed here, too, now on younger and younger children. Babies, now, are subjected to the population culling mystery juice. I haven’t seen faces out in public for over 2.5 years. I do not wear a mask. Contrary to what preachy TikTok wokists will tell you, everyone decidedly did not wear masks here before this covid psyop started. It’s not “Japanese culture.” People sometimes wore them when they had a cold (to be polite and also for the soothing, warmer air to breathe in) and for pollen allergies.

I watched from the window of the bullet train to Tokyo as the months progressed. First about 25% of people on the platform. The next month 50-75%. The next month, near 100% with their faces covered and scared little eyes darting around.

Now, there’s an interesting thing about Japan, and although it is not at all unique to this place, what is interesting is how it continues, as the “flavor” of the Great Reset elsewhere has changed a bit. Like Joe Biden breaking his own Federal property mask mandate just days after it was decreed, or California psychopath Gavin Newsom going out to party in the middle of the so-called pandemic emergency, politicians in the land of the rising sun continue to engage in such obvious hypocrisy to the point that it must be intentional mockery.

The prime minister, Kishida, doesn’t wear a mask overseas, schmoozes and hugs and shakes hands with other dumbfuck “leaders,” then comes back to Japan and preaches more about the necessity of masks and vaccines. Kids see this. The same kids, who in schools, still aren’t allowed to talk to each other freely, to hug or have normal social interactions, or go on their school trips. The same kids who are literally taking their own lives at record levels. The media here even has acknowledged that the environment created by corona restrictions contributed to the record student suicides in 2020, but most people just shrug, and “go along to get along.”

Let me tell you, it is driving me fucking insane.

And just this week, another blow:

New Year’s is canceled. Again. This after the Tokyo Marathon was held, the Olympics were held, the politicians continue to travel and party and laugh, and professional baseball players can literally spit beer (see below) in each other’s faces on TV and in the papers, and it’s all okay. While babies are injected with poison and school students are taking their own lives and forgetting how to speak and socialize. Goddamnit. Can you see how it might be hard to witness? At least my folks, and other people I know in the U.S., can kind of feel a sense of normalcy (not that anything humane and normal on a wide scale is really coming back before unprecedented destruction first, sadly).

I guess every slave farm now has its own flavor of “reset.” They’re pushing the energy crisis lies and bugs for food super heavily over in Europe. In the United States, the economy is buckling under massive, unsustainable debt and inflation (by design), and people are being yelled at about getting a jab by a child sex abuser, and told they will die if they don’t — all the while being whipped into supporting war in another country with money they don’t have. Here in Japan, most folks don’t want to muzzle themselves anymore, and say as much, but are too cowardly to do anything about it for fear of social reprisal. And the government and media, while not focusing as much on climate change and economic ruin, continue to double, triple, and quadruple down on masking, jabs, and social etiquette.

Weaponized Humiliation

I was recently talking with some friends online about all this. I can’t quite figure out why every geopolitical empire has a slightly different flavor of the reset — granted, with tons of overlap — yet it’s clear it’s basically all the same thing. Hell, the World Economic Forum and Klaus Schwab have directly stated as much. It’s about divestment of private property and complete control and surveillance. But one thing my friend said struck me. This cancellation of Shibuya’s New Year’s celebration (think Times Square in Tokyo), in the face of such incongruous and disgusting hypocrisy, is probably meant to humiliate.

I wrote somewhere — a while back — about two words that popped into my head when all this began in 2020: “demoralization campaign.” Control by confusion. The destruction of meaning and self-esteem, by way of getting people to pretend and say things they don’t agree with at all, until they lose respect for themselves and their bearing on reality. Absolute insanity and illogical, moron ideas are to be recited incessantly. Outright, bold, and repeated denial of what one can clearly see, hear, intuit, and verify for oneself, right in front of them, is what must be practiced. Once this is done enough, the individual is suppressed and ashamed and violently rejects anyone whose observations point out this hypocrisy. Anyone who calls out the lie that their lives have now become. There’s effectively no individual mind left to do any critical thinking or objecting. Just a willing receptacle. An empty slave for the machine. The mind has been rejected by fear.

So why are folks in Japan still wearing masks? I don’t know the whole answer. The short answer is the state hasn’t told them they may stop, as was done in the U.S.

Folks admit as much on national television. The more accurate answer is that they are slaves to fear. Not all, of course. But most. There are some rebel Japanese thinkers around with a real love for this beautiful country and the “Samurai fighting spirit,” disobeying and refusing to comply with the bullshit. I love these people. They’ve kept me balanced through all this.

Maybe this is just Japan’s “flavor” of MK ULTRA-esque experimentation for now. SDGs and cricket meal are here too, of course, but it’s the masks that seem to be the real control vector, spiritually and socially.

Humiliation in Europe is not being able to turn up your thermostat to stay warm or pay your electric bills or speak freely online without the pigs showing up. In the U.S. it’s being preached at about protecting the environment by people pushing for literal nuclear war. How about being chided by a fucking child molester about staying safe and protecting children by getting an untested injection?

For Christ’s sakes. Go fuck yourselves. Burn in hell.

I guess I feel a little better now. I’m hoping this article — if one can call it as much — was not a waste of your time. I needed some catharsis, and I hope it shed a little light on the strange situation here in Japan. If you have better answers for why all this is the way it is, I’ll be glad to know.

I guess I’ll quote that neat guy (who’s also from Indiana, if I can attempt to associate myself with him out of admiration) Kurt Vonnegut, as his words here kind of sum up my real reason for writing this thing, and the real antidote to the humiliation campaign:

Still and all, why bother? Here’s my answer. Many people need desperately to receive this message: ‘I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone.’”

Thanks for being a saint, those of you who are living your life in full power and happiness and love, despite the heartache and hell as best you can, who continue to boldly not comply — this is our beautiful, kick-ass world. It doesn’t belong to liars.

Graham Smith

Graham Smith is an American expat living in Japan, and the founder of Voluntary Japan—an initiative dedicated to spreading the philosophies of unschooling, individual self-ownership, and economic freedom in the land of the rising sun.


    • H.Lorenzo Malowane

      October 31, 2022

      Also in Japan in Osaka. Interesting that.

    • H.Lorenzo

      October 31, 2022

      Also, I strongly feel it’s not humiliation but separation that they are after. No family time, no gathering face to face, no events, matsuri’s etc. etc. Bottom line, though, is peeps gotta learn to stop listening….or else they’re screwed waiting for ‘master’ to say it’s ok….they’ve humiliated themselves, hard as this may be to here, but not picking up the reigns of their own personal power. In my opinion.

      • Graham Smith

        November 02, 2022

        I completely agree it is people’s own refusal to step into their power and disobey that is prolonging this nightmare.

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