Shouting Into The Void

Shouting Into The Void

by Jeremiah Harding

One of the realizations this “pandemic” has given me that is both liberating and defeating is the realization that the truth doesn’t matter to people anymore. I can write so many articles on the laundry list of lies and obvious mistruths that have been spoken by the elites and their media puppets, but most people won’t read them. And the people who do and who don’t will both hate them without actually assessing the contents.


For instance, I directly predicted the rise of what are now being called Central Bank Digital Currencies in articles that I wrote last year. I predicted the rise of a variety of contact-free payment systems associated with these sorts of things, and accurately assessed the majority of these restrictions as scientifically and medically bereft. I said a long time ago that people should be let go, and that these lockdowns are anti-medical. That this sort of thing is something that’s going to have to be lived with, because these sorts of restrictions don’t actually stop it from happening. The real science has always been on the side of people who want society reopened, but that doesn’t matter to the people in charge. I used to call them the powers that be, but at this point I have adopted James Corbett’s phrase “the powers that should not be” – it’s much more fitting.


I cited medical research, many doctors, and commonly understood medical fact in order to prove that all of this was not medical, and it must be something else. I used it to prove that basically the elites are transitioning from their high debt currency to a currency that will be easier for them to manage centrally, and which will remove all privacy from transactions done in the United states, and all other places which use this new currency. I also talked about the people who run this system, and the fact that the elites see us as nothing more than dogs on leashes held by those in charge of the medical establishment, who are similarly on leashes to some giant hand in the sky, signifying government. People forgot that Economist magazine cover very quickly, which is one of the reasons they’re so okay with the big government that the article was literally telling us we needed.


I concretely proved that this all fell neatly in line with the agendas set forth by the Bilderberg group, and also the agendas set forth by Event 201, and a variety of other high-profile events, and I went over the fact that the World Economic Forum is seeking to form an entirely new society, where not only do privacy and freedom not exist, but it’s all designed to make sure that carbon is maintained in a certain way. A lot of people are now saying that climate change is being used as the new excuse, because people are getting tired of coronavirus being used as the excuse for this tyranny.


But I called that last year. The problem is, few people cared. Almost nobody shared what I posted, and possibly even less people actually read it. People aren’t interested in content that might concretely prove conspiracies, because it’s too long, or dry, or something, and usually also because they don’t like me.


Then, people start to talk about the lab leak theory and treated it as legitimate, when I cited the person who wrote the US convention on bioweapons as saying that it was probably a bioweapon created in a BSL4 (biosafety level) lab in Wuhan, nearly 2 years ago. People like Jon Stewart gave it some credence, and he and Joe Rogan and anyone else who accurately cited this information got the shaft. Establishmentarians had no problem throwing long time allies under the bus, because they were never really allies to begin with. Entertaining alternative theories has gotten people like Jimmy Dore isolated from a significant amount of his previous peers, because he’s willing to acknowledge the possibility that the government is a pack of liars, motivated by financial interests in order to fund a lab and then lie about that using racism. I sympathize with that, because boldly speaking the truth on a variety of issues has gotten me isolated from pretty much everyone. Not only that, but there are certain elements out there who are claiming that this outlet itself is compromised because I write for it. Regardless of the fact that none of these people who have a problem with me have disproven a thing that I’ve said here, it’s suddenly okay to throw out the work of all of these excellent writers because of that. And to ignore the work that I’ve done, making what I consider to be very good articles on the subject.


Despite that, here’s some news on this subject for people to also ignore. The countries and other localities that have vaccinated the most have the highest incident rate of new infections. For instance, Vermont has the highest vaccination rate in the country, yet they’re seeing a huge spike right now. Similarly, in Israel, one of the most vaccinated places on the planet per capita is seeing what NPR is calling a dramatic surge in new cases. The UK is seeing similar case spikes to any level during the unvaccinated period of the pandemic, and that doesn’t show any sign of slowing. Same with Singapore, which has more covid than ever, and is considering calling this endemic, and trying to learn to live with it, rather than battle it. The Seychelles is the most vaccinated country in the world and they’re seeing record coronavirus cases too.


Almost like this virus isn’t going to be stopped by a bunch of vaccinations, and people should just work on their immune systems, like I said they should. When I wrote my article on the ways the government’s response to coronavirus was making people less healthy, most people didn’t read that. But it really is a matter of lifestyle. The vast majority of people who have issues with this virus have comorbidities, and it’s not a matter of giving a needle to somebody and turning their life around. With all the mandates and restrictions coming down the pike, smoking and drinking are even higher than ever, which is a huge hit on people’s immune systems, and so is the stress associated with the environment this has created, no matter which side of the fence you’re on. But do you think they’re going to start advocating more humane treatment of people during this pandemic so that the stress level lowers, or so they drink and smoke less, or do you think they’re going to keep the same course they’ve had for the entire time this has been happening, no matter who it hurts, and no matter who dies? That’s tonight’s Daily Double!


The powers that should not be don’t want you to ask any of these questions. They don’t want you to think about any of this. In fact, they want to keep you in suspension, and keep you glued to your TV screens to figure out what Greek letter they’re going to attach to the next variant they’re going to use to fuck you out of more of your freedom. They don’t care what they’re doing in any more of a sense then it provides them ever greater profit and power. This was never about stopping the spread of a virus, or keeping people healthy, or anything like that. It was always about the expansion of the state, the transfer of wealth to the corporate class, the killing of small business, the destruction of private enterprise, and privacy in general, the advancement of their surveillance state, which had been more and more unpopular than ever, with the brand new excuse of the virus, and the creation of two tiers in society, to the point where people are going to be ostracized and destroyed if they don’t comply with these regulations.


And what’s more, they want you to ignore people like me, authentic anti-fascists, who recognize the fascism this is, and recognize that the fact that Biden in the office doesn’t actually give antifa a win at all. In fact, they’re worse than ever, and authentic anti-fascists know this. That’s why people on both the left and the right are so constantly being censored. It’s much easier to just shut us up then it is to be ethical for once in these vat-grown Ivory Tower Denizens’ lives. But the worst part of all of this is that they had to make it okay to dismiss what people like me say, no matter what it is. No matter whether I’m speaking out against war, police brutality, the surveillance state, pedos, the global bankster conspiracy, racism, fascism, or anything else, it’s okay to ignore people like me because we’re just batshit wing nuts, on the fringe, conspiracy theorist, mother’s basement, Internet warrior side of history, and they want us written out of that history pronto.


So it doesn’t matter that the guy behind Biden’s coronavirus policy is telling the world that everyone is going to get the virus, and that it doesn’t actually matter whether or not we’re vaccinated in that regard. It also doesn’t matter that significant amount of women have accurately reported clotting issues, and other cardiovascular problems as a result of this treatment. It doesn’t matter that boys have a one in 5,000 chance of getting myocarditis from it. It doesn’t matter that the reporting guidelines for negative effects from vaccines have been eliminated, and you’re now not supposed to say anything if the vaccine does something bad to somebody.


It doesn’t matter that the inventor of the mRNA vaccine, Robert Malone, constantly criticizes over-vaccination, and says you shouldn’t vaccinate kids at all, because they’re not even in the risk category, or that the amount of US kids who have actually died from it has been less than a thousand.


And while I’m at it, it doesn’t matter that there are many cheaper alternative therapies like ivermectin, and all the other things the media wants to smear, because those things don’t profit a certain group of people; and if you’re actually treated and the virus doesn’t come back, they can’t justify continually dragging you in for booster shots. And in the future, they wouldn’t be able to justify their new surveillance state that they’ll be putting on all of us in order to record vaccination status, and also completely run our lives.  It doesn’t matter to these people because that’s the point.


The point is that they’re going to briefly acknowledge the truth, and then do what they were always going to do anyway, because it’s about power.


But just to put a cherry on all of this, let’s say for a moment that you can trust your government. I know. That’s a hilarious thing to say. But just for a moment we’ll entertain the idea that we could trust somebody simply because they work for the government, and that all of this should be accepted because the government says it’s okay. Well then, why are so many other countries restricting these vaccines? Why are some countries even just banning some of them? Or is it only when a government we like says something is good that we should accept that? Because if that’s the case, it’s really no better than nationalism, but the press has already gotten people on board with nationalism with hoaxes like Russiagate.


And they’ve been getting people primed for that for many years now, with the propaganda for war always including some gross caricature of the other side. It’s hilarious when people act like the US was some sort of neutral party in terms of racism in World War II, when any of the propaganda that had been made during that time would now get somebody canceled. It’s almost like the US isn’t any better than any other nation and shouldn’t be the moral bastion for anyone. Even in the past couple years, anti-Asian hate crimes have been on the rise, because the US is still not over their racism, and instead of blaming what would turn out to be a US-funded lab in China doing research on how to make viruses worse, the immediate blame was placed on cultural practices that Americans were already repulsed by, because there is a deep running undercurrent of xenophobia in this country that justifies a laundry list of unethical actions against people from other places.


And they super want you to ignore the fact that the US already tested bacteriological weapons on their own people by injecting bacteria into fog over San Francisco, during something called Operation Sea spray…or that they injected black men with syphilis intentionally during the Tuskegee syphilis experiments.


But the US wants you to forget all of their crimes, especially the “Medical™” ones, or the fact that a lot of US science was done with the help of literal Nazis from Paperclip, and all the ways they’ve learned to manipulate and lie and kill so that they can gain more power off of seeming benevolent in the moment. Because the real truth is they want second class citizens. And they want those second-class citizens to be anyone who questions them. And now they found a way to do that.


Those in power have created a two-tiered society, where those who accept their rule are seen as normal citizens and everybody else gets to be subjected to what amounts to apartheid. They haven’t fully implemented that in some places yet, but some places like Australia are seeing this for what it fully is. For what China saw in the beginning, when they were brutalizing people in the streets, and welding them into their homes. And everything that happens elsewhere eventually happens in the US, once they find out that the tyranny works, and the people will calm down afterward.


The more people are trained to accept, the easier their control is. They learned well from things like MKULTRA and associated projects that if you can remove all other stimuli, and repeat a certain stimuli enough, people will grow to accept things, and their minds will erase the things that aren’t that reality. They learned that you can take away everything somebody is, and rape their mind, as long as you’re willing to do unspeakable things in the process, and then repeat your version of reality long enough that it’s all they know. After that, all you have to do is wait for the sheep to repeat whatever you want them to. It doesn’t matter if it’s actually science, you can tell them that this is the science, and they will repeat that this is the science, and eventually, anybody who says anything different will be considered anti-science.


It doesn’t matter that this groupthink is unscientific. Science is whatever they say it is. It’s not a careful process of asking questions that lead to more questions. It’s not a calculated attempt to gather and explain data. It’s that thing you heard on the news last night. And if you disagree with that, you’re uneducated or something.


A great example of this is The Joe Rogan horse dewormer story that people like CNN blasted out. It doesn’t matter that he was prescribed human pills. It doesn’t matter that these human pills are being proposed for clinical trials that require participants just like him in order to determine their efficacy against coronavirus. It doesn’t matter that he was extremely healthy after he underwent his treatments. It doesn’t matter that they used a filter to make him look worse than he was, so they could claim that he was still sickly. It doesn’t matter that they lied live on international television. It doesn’t matter that their senior health official admitted to this in an interview with Joe Rogan.


None of that matters, because what really matters is advancing their control. Because it was never about anything else. It also doesn’t matter that he tested negative relatively soon after his treatment, and it doesn’t matter that the double vaccinated press secretary for the White House got it even though she was double vaccinated. It doesn’t matter that you can still transmit it while vaccinated. Joe Rogan gets to be blasted because he didn’t take a vaccine, and because he did something else. And they get to constantly joke about how uneducated Southerners are, regardless of any of the facts about the unjabbed, like the fact that a significant amount of them are Urban non-white people. Celebrities get to insult the unvaccinated, the news media gets to constantly tarnish their reputation, and promote regulations against them, and the most uneducated people can suddenly be advanced to Science™ status simply by repeating whatever they’re told by the mainstream media and the cultural elite. Everybody gets to join in this collective bullying of anyone who’s not towing The Establishment line. After all these campaigns told us not to bully, and to be inclusive, suddenly bullying and exclusion are okay, and you just need the right target.


So if you want to tell the truth, be prepared for very few people to give a shit. And be prepared to be a target for misplaced hatred generated by the state and perpetuated by the corporations they create and fund. It’s hilarious – there’s a montage now of all of the news agencies that were sponsored by Pfizer at one point. It’s a lot like the montage of the news agency’s reading from that press release about how fake news is dangerous to our democracy. They’re all on the same script, and nobody paying attention needs to wonder why. Not to mention that the people who run the FDA are affiliated with big pharma, but you’re not allowed to bring that up either. The idea that the people who are supposed to regulate drugs are the same people who might profit from a drug, or that the same people who are supposed to dutifully watch for any sort of corruption might be funded by the people responsible for the corruption, will get even the most earnest and fact-based approach called a conspiracy theory. As though being a conspiracy theory automatically makes that wrong. Nobody’s ever conspired against anybody in history, and anyone who theorizes that there might be a conspiracy can be immediately dismissed and bullied. And definitely not financially supported. Definitely don’t donate to this outlet, or any of the writers individually, or share this content, because we’re all evil here.


At least that’s what the government and its lakeys, entryists, and useful idiots would like you to think.


But ultimately, none of this probably matters. The vast majority of people get their news from highly controlled sources, and social media doesn’t let you know when people like us say something, often actively crushing our messages, or banning us or something. Many media outlets are even telling people to avoid doing any research of their own, or critically thinking, or questioning the sources, or anything like that, because it’s all too dangerous – and Keith Olbermann gets to tell you you’re afraid, glower down at you from an expensive NYC apartment, and encourage you to be excluded from society, if you even remotely criticize anything involving this agenda.


So make sure to ignore the fact that many of these social media companies are directly influenced or funded by the state. That’ll make it easy to claim that we deserve to be censored, or that it’s a private company and it can do what it wants. So many people just justify this overt tyranny and support fascism, but still want to act like the good guys.


“As long as the tyranny happens on a team I like, I can excuse whatever I want!”


And that’s why I’m feeling kind of defeated lately. Because the more factual I get and the less compromising I am, the harder it is to get people on board, and we need all hands on deck. But it’s also oddly liberatory. If eventually I’m just going to be speaking to myself, because telling the truth alienates enough people that I’m basically talking to nobody else, I can say whatever the fuck I want. I can shout into the void, and at least know I’m saying the right things. And even though this doesn’t seem likely, I can hope for the day when people start to realize that enough is enough, and pick up content like mine, not being controlled by some third party leering from the center of the panopticon telling them what to think about people like me.


If that’s you, I’m glad you’re here. There’s lots more to talk about in the future, and it’s going to get so, so, much worse.

Jeremiah Harding

An angry anarchist bent on black-pilling the universe, he hits hard on everything ranging from taxation to technocracy. Everything is a conspiracy, or at least that's what he wants you to think. He's written for Poliquads, various libertarian sites, and his personal anti-state propaganda site, which launched last year. He has a podcast, called The Weekly Hellscape, where he details the week's news, from the opposite perspective of friendly, and he has a YouTube channel, where he descends into madness. He's coming for all your sacred calves. Stay tuned!