The Great Reset Exploiting Disease for Profit and Power

The Great Reset Exploiting Disease for Profit and Power

by Jeremiah Harding

Imagine it’s 2030 and you own nothing. You have no privacy, no personal possessions, and you borrow everything from the state. You can’t own a car, and the only vehicles you can use are centrally controlled by the state. You call things over like taxis, but only if you do what they say. Your home is not your home, and people sleep in your bed when you’re not there, along with using it for a variety of other things – basically whatever they want. You’re monitored by what amounts to a social credit score, and you are mandated to maintain a certain type of behavior, in order to participate in said society. You’re tracked wherever you go, to make sure that you stay in line, and the people who run the system even want to tap into your brain to access your thoughts and make sure that you’re not thinking anything untoward about the system. The central planners get to decide how energy is used and how things are disbursed. Revolution is unlikely because nothing is secret and everything can be monitored and stopped.


This is the future proposed by the World Economic Forum, also known as the Davos Elite, a bunch of rich and powerful people who meet in Davos to discuss how to manage your life on a yearly or more frequent basis. These technocrats have regular conversations about how best society should be controlled from their detached bougy perspectives.


The first paragraph here is a summary of a thing written by a member, Ida Auken, of the Parliament of Denmark, entitled, “Here’s how life could change in my city by the year 2030”. If you think I’m exaggerating, read it yourself. It preaches, “Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city – or should I say, ‘our city’. I don’t own anything. I don’t own a car. I don’t own a house. I don’t own any appliances or any clothes.” It goes on to say, “Everything you considered a product, has now become a service…One by one all these things became free, so it ended up not making sense for us to own much.”


That’s right – They literally admit that they see it as a positive for you not to own anything. They admit that they see centralized control of everything as a net positive. And it gets worse.


“In our city we don’t pay any rent, because someone else is using our free space whenever we do not need it. My living room is used for business meetings when I am not there.”


So basically, you don’t pay rent, because you don’t even own the space in which you live. You have no privacy, even in your own home, and you don’t own anything, which means that everything that you affect can be affected by somebody else, and you have no real agency over your external world.


It goes on, “Once in a while, I will choose to cook for myself. It is easy – the necessary kitchen equipment is delivered at my door within minutes. Since transport became free, we stopped having all those things stuffed into our home. Why keep a pasta-maker and a crepe cooker crammed into our cupboards? We can just order them when we need them.”


After she describes this overt dystopia, she goes on to assert the environmental benefits of all of this, claiming that this is what would cure the air and the water of the ailments of humans. And a little bit after that, she gets into possibly the most dystopian part.

“Shopping? I can’t really remember what that is. For most of us, it has been turned into choosing things to use. Sometimes I find this fun, and sometimes I just want the algorithm to do it for me. It knows my taste better than I do by now. When AI and robots took over so much of our work, we suddenly had time to eat well, sleep well and spend time with other people. The concept of rush hour makes no sense anymore, since the work that we do can be done at any time. I don’t really know if I would call it work anymore. It is more like thinking-time, creation-time and development-time.”


She goes on, “Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. No where I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me. All in all, it is a good life.”


For any of you who haven’t already made themselves familiar with this particular screed, I want that to sink in for a bit. They’re literally describing a technocratic dystopia, where people lose their privacy and agency, and everything is done for them except a few things. Not too long ago, Elon Musk made the point that the best possible future for a future where AI is prevalent and perfected is that we become pets to it, taken care of well, but with no real agency. The World Economic Forum agrees, and wants to kick start that as soon as possible.


The author of the piece claims she wanted “to start a discussion about some of the pros and cons of the current technological development”, and didn’t in fact see this as some positive development. However, given the fact that the negative consequences delineated by her piece were absolutely dwarfed by the positives, and given how much power it would give the WEF, I think it’s safe to say which alignment she takes in this scenario. And given the fact that the WEF has had conferences on how to justify breaking into people’s minds, so that not even their thoughts are private, and given that this piece included thinking in the black of privacy, I don’t know why we should believe her. It seems as though she’s doing what Glenn Beck did for many years, which is claimed that because he’s “just asking questions” he’s not making any assertions. It seems pretty clear that the WEF believes this to be a positive future and wants to see it by 2030, if not earlier. But the question is, how do we get there?


Enter coronavirus – a virus coincidentally “predicted” and “planned for”(but totally not intentionally executed) by none other than the World Economic Forum themselves, in conjunction with the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation, last year. Of course, Gates will deny such a thing took place, saying, “Now here we are. We didn’t simulate this, we didn’t practice, so both the health policies and economic policies, we find ourselves in uncharted territory.”


But it is a bald faced lie, and as anyone who has read my other three articles on coronavirus stuff knows, the lie came with a motive: social control.


One thing to remember – that I also wrote about – is that the economy is, and has been, collapsing for a very long time. In fact, global economies have been; all global economies are dependent on the dollar, and the dollar has been in decline for a long time. The reader can catch up on all of this if they want to, but suffice it to say, something’s gotta give at some point. The elites know this, and have been planning something for a long while now. So, they needed to dramatically restructure the economy, along with people’s personal habits and their receptiveness to tyranny.


Enter a concept called the “Great Reset”.


This is the idea that “coronavirus is a good thing actually” and can lead to a laundry list of benefits after it is handled. Think about Paul Krugman and his statements that World War 2 was really good for the American economy. Then remember that he also said similar things about entering the War on Terror. Krugman is not alone; this bastard fusion of neoliberalism and Keynesian economics was the herald for the resurgence of ideas like modern monetary theory and universal basic income. And UBI might be the transition phase for the world the WEF wants to create.


For the uninitiated, modern monetary theory essentially amounts to the idea that because we live in a debt based economy where money is essentially valueless digits in a machine, all that needs to be done at a base level to adjust economic downtime is to simply print more. Then, when there’s too much money in the economy and people are saving that money, the state can simply tax people to absorb some of it, thus controlling inflation. Hell, even Paul Krugman thought that this was way too out there, comparing it to “Calvinball where the rules constantly change. If all you have to do is enter numbers into a computer to “solve” economic problems, then it damages people’s long term confidence in the profitability of their investments and enterprises. It’s essentially an oversimplification of existing ideas, and it ignores the long term damage of inflation and deficit spending. Robert Murphy, who runs a podcast against Krugman with Tom Woods, is on the same page with some of Krugman’s assertions for once, as he considers MMT a naive attempt to shortcut to a better future by the most charitable assessments. By less charitable assessments, it will have drastic consequences on people’s ability to save for long term busts and impacts their investments’ ability to mature properly. But that doesn’t stop a bunch of people from claiming that printing money is the answer to economic problems, and recently, there’s been a huge amount of clamor for just such printing, namely in the form of stimulus checks written out for covid.


While the economy is in downturn, a huge amount of people are calling on the government to solve this problem for them, not by reopening the economy and allowing businesses to work, thereby allowing people to resume saving and replenish the coffers of the private sector doing what it does best on a demand side, but rather to simply stimulate the economy, by allowing the Federal Reserve to blink a ton of money into existence, while the IRS distributes it to the common person. Many people think that a small amount of stimulus will keep them tided over until the economy eventually reopens. But many more still aren’t even satisfied with that and are calling for something promised by presidential candidate Andrew Yang, which is regular checks of $1000 or more a month.


Enter the world of UBI, a fantasy land where the citizen lives on basic assistance from a benevolent government at all points. Proponents of this model claim that it will be a much more efficient way to distribute government money than government programs. It’s essentially a gamble on whether or not the common person knows how to spend money better than the state. It might be an interesting experiment, but it also might lead to central control over the economy.


For those of you who read my articles on the way coronaviruses are being exploited to create a new economy, you know that I listed digital money as a chief concern of mine. The State is working with blockchain company Accenture in order to create a privacy-free “Digital Dollar”, which will be trackable universally and replace the existing dollar as the new currency of the United States. Accenture is also on the board of another Bill Gates project called ID 2020 where your biometric data, chiefly your face, will be used as a method to track your physical presence everywhere in the world. And with more and more options for the internet in more and more places, including Elon Musk’s Starlink and the burgeoning 5G control net, putting in place the necessary cameras to enact this sort of universal surveillance is easier than ever. I’ve written extensively about this before, so if you’re interested in reading more insane screeds by this conspiracy theorist, there are more articles on this site. But it should be a concern that the company behind creating the framework for the new monetary order in the United States is also behind creating the facial tracking system and resulting social order that we will all be forced to live under.


Enter The WEF, who on their official Great Reset page, says it, “now offers its experience in building purpose-driven communities in service of the extraordinary challenge and opportunity the world faces for a Great Reset.” They also say, “The Covid-19 crisis, and the political, economic and social disruptions it has caused, is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making. The inconsistencies, inadequacies and contradictions of multiple systems – from health and financial to energy and education – are more exposed than ever amidst a global context of concern for lives, livelihoods and the planet.” And they conclude, in “The Opportunity” section, “As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being.”


Get the picture yet? David Icke accurately called this the “Problem, Reaction, Solution” model. You create the problem, stoke the reaction, and present a prefabricated solution, which benefits you. And just think of all the “problems” that could be “solved” with this model. You know how you’ve been hearing a lot about student loan forgiveness over the past while? Well, that student loan forgiveness can likely only happen if a centralized authority allows it to. Or more appropriately, if the central authority forces that to happen. And what better way to initiate such a plan then to encourage money printing as a solution to economic problems? Rent is high in the housing market completely controlled by the state? People are being evicted because the economic conditions the state created have resulted in a massive transfer of wealth to the corporate class, resulting in loss of employment and the shutdown of a huge amount of small businesses? Why not abolish rent while you’re at it? All you need to do is print money, after all. And ignoring the fact that the state has enabled a housing shortage and the economic conditions which prevent people from avoiding houselessness, so that the government can claim they’re “solving the problem” is great. Is the world reserve currency tanking currently because of economic conditions created by the country responsible for its minting? Are a bunch of countries in need of financial support, as are their corporate benefactors? Fire up the printing presses and print out a “stimulus” bill which ultimately benefits corporations, politicians, and other countries, more than it does US citizens. And while you’re at it, you’ll also have the added benefit of destroying many people’s savings by diluting the value of the dollar, causing massive inflation which will eventually come back to bite you.


Of course, that’s OK, if you already intended to tank the dollar so that you could create a new currency in its place; one based on a brand new Accenture blockchain, attached to a facial recognition superstate being built around the idea of contact-free transactions, and centrally controlled money, with no privacy. Like I’ve already discussed, this is exactly what they’re planning, period, and it would make a great deal of sense that if they were planning something like this, it might be a transition phase between the state capitalist economy that they’ve built over the past century, to the technocratic dystopia they want to build now. The middle ground between a world where one owns everything they possess and a world where one doesn’t even own the space between their ears, couldn’t be sudden. If it were, people would revolt.


There is an old lie that if you slowly raise the temperature in a pot of water, frogs will remain in that water until it boils them alive. The idea is that you can’t just throw them in boiling water, or they’ll jump out as soon as they touch it. This isn’t true. The fact is, they have instincts just like many other creatures do, and if they touch something extremely hot, their instinct will tell them to get out of there. They will splash around and flail until they get out of the water, or they will be boiled alive. And they will be severely hurt in the process. This applies to the slow burn of a slowly boiling pot, and probably applies to the hot surface contacting the heat source, and frogs probably wouldn’t stay too long in anything very warm.


People however, can be more gullible than frogs. Oftentimes, you can make your motives directly clear and lay all the information out of what you planned to do with people, yet they will still persist in the conditions you’ve made for them. They’ll find somebody to blame for the conditions they’re in, and rail against that scapegoat until they boil to death. They won’t scramble out of the pot, because that would entail taking some personal responsibility, and it would also mean they wouldn’t have something to complain about. Same with people who are slowly being boiled alive, and they’ll often fight the other “frogs” for “safety” once it gets a little too warm. Instead of working together to escape the pot, they’ll drag each other down. A real example of this is crabs in a bucket. Dragging each other down to the level as they all try to escape.


But inevitably, you’ll hear the analogy of frogs in pots thrown around as an example of how people need to be tempered to certain conditions in order to accept them, no matter how deadly they are. The fact is, however, frogs in pots are nowhere near as terrible as what the elites have planned. These are the same elite to talk up population control, and reducing the human population to more “manageable” levels. The same will probably have no problem with the propositions on the Georgia Guidestones, and who see humanity is the disease, rather than the cure. At least the lumpenproletariat, because the Davos Elite would obviously not be among those who perished in such reductions.


So, when Bill Gates has a slip of the tongue and says that they’re going to use vaccines to reduce the population, you should listen to him as though he’s serious. Yet perhaps more appropriately, you should understand that there are many competing businesses duking it out to create the best “passport system” which will allow people to travel, do business, and engage as “normal” people, all alongside an artificial intelligence super state that’s being built to track your every move and how you engage in the economy, with a privacy-free blockchain recording your transactions immutably for the government to see. You can’t leave without getting the vaccine, and you can’t stay and participate in the economy if you don’t get one. That’s, at least, what they want you to think.


And how did they get this kind of control? Easy.


They gin the public up with the idea that the only people who can solve these problems are government officials. Then all they have to do is use their central planning and their centrally managed currency to print whatever problems exist away. They will get the people used to the idea that quantitative easing is their savior, and use it to drive the currency that people have saved for a long time into the dirt. Then, once the currency is crippled, more than it already is, they will exchange the old currency for a new one, based on a new world order model. They will restructure everything around a new system of technocratic control, and anybody who doesn’t allow this to happen in their lives will be left behind. Eventually, those left behind will be such a distinct minority that they’re controllable and eliminable.


See, the vast majority of people will go along with this and accept both masks and vaccines as a condition for participation in society. They’ll go along with pretty much anything to be honest. It’s pretty hard to pick out a dissenter in a crowd full of dissenters, and a population that mostly resists is a population that makes resistance easier. We are very much stronger together than we are apart. But that divisiveness and weakness is precisely what they’re preying on, because if they can make it seem like the only way to go is control, then a distinct minority of people will resist that control, and paradoxically be easier to control because of it. A free person in society of the unfree sticks out like a sore thumb.


Take the EU for example, where their vaccine is allegedly voluntary; that doesn’t stop the government from databasing everybody and putting them into categories as to who has and has not received it yet. Starting in Spain, there will now be a registry for all people who do not get the vaccine. Expect things like this all over the globe; however, as one thing I’ve found is that when other countries start engaging in a variety of tyranny, the US and their allies are not far behind in adopting those particular methods. Remember my piece about how smart glasses were going to start being implemented in the US just like they were in China? Remember how I said that coronavirus would be used as an excuse for that? Well I was right. In Flint Michigan, they approved the use of what are jokingly being called RoboCop helmets, to “check peoples temperature”… and address, contacts, criminal history, warrants, license plates, and more. Exactly like I said they would. Would be nice if more people believed me in the future, but I doubt they will.


Especially not when I say that coronavirus might be a forever disease, constantly used to grab more and more power, and eventually, lay the groundwork for the system in which we will own no property, and be subject to a cruel and corrupt government. If you want a good example of this, look no further than Canada, where representative Randy Hillier was ignored and silenced when asking simple questions about INTERNMENT CAMPS that are being built there. He said, “These quarantine/isolation camps however are not limited to people with COVID, but provide a wide latitude for many people to be detained… And my question to the Premier is: How many of these camps will be built and how many people does this government expect to detain?”


The responding Premier evaded and implied they would only be used for international travellers in quarantine periods upon entry. Hillier pressed the issue, saying, “the RFP…  uses clear language to express that these camps can be used for a broad spectrum of people, not limited to travellers, indeed it doesn’t even mention international travellers, it’s just a broad latitude of people…. our government is…must be in negotiations and aware of these plans to potentially detain and isolate citizens  and residents of our country, and our province. So Speaker, to the Premier; Where will these camps be built, how many people will be detained, and for what reason can people be kept in these isolation camps? And I would like to have the Premier assure the people of Ontario…” That’s all he got out before they cut him off.


Now, to be clear, I have no evidence that the US plans to have internment camps too. But it’s not like the US has never had internment camps before, and it’s not like they’re difficult to set up. So just like with the smart glasses I mentioned, I can definitively say that the US has the necessary wherewithal and motive to do it again.


So let’s be clear. The elites want an environment where you borrow everything, own nothing, have no privacy, and maybe not even a claim to the thoughts in your head. They want a massive control net regularly keeping everything in line, and maintaining their technocratic new world order. They’re in the process of building it now. And they’re doing it all to coincide with the collapse of the previous economic order, which can only be helped by the instatement of things like universal basic income, and the global embracement of modern monetary theory as a method to print our way to prosperity.


And if the MMT people get their way, there is that other half of the equation. Yeah, they can print a bunch of money into the economy, but what happens when people start saving more so that they can prepare for shocks to the system like that? Well, they have a solution for that too. Just tax the shit out of people, to absorb the excess money in the economy. They get to decide what’s excess, mind you, and they get to decide that you have excess money. And through the power of taxation, which any anarchist worth their salt knows is theft, inflation, which anybody who has read their Hazlitt knows is a hidden tax on all of us, robbing people of their savings, and reducing the purchasing power of the dollar, and the death of paper money, which anyone with eyes can tell will eliminate privacy, and force all transactions under their purview (hence, a manufactured “coin shortage”), it basically means that they can start transitioning your property into their hands anyway.


Especially since they’ve already begun the process by enabling their pet corporations to destroy all small businesses, and be the only option in town, thus isolating all purchases to a few key locations which can usher in the new monetary order, and which are very deeply invested with the powers associated with the Davos Elite, the Bilderberg group, the central banking global hierarchy, and more, the idea that this is anything but a conspiracy is absolutely ludicrous to those who’ve looked into the facts of the situation.


If you have time, I’d like you to take a moment to watch “The Myth of Extinction Rebellion” by Truthstream Media. It’s an interesting documentary highlighting the organization, and how the centralized leadership of the organization pretty regularly occultish, and how the movement is directly related to existing financiers and global corporations. It’s an interesting look at what’s really going on with a lot of these “environmental movements”, and it highlights that much of the environmental panic is simply being used to seize more control, as well as expand the power of the state.


Similarly, right now, the World Bank, the World Economic Forum, and many people in the higher echelons of society are pushing coronavirus as a way for the planet to “heal”, in pushing the life after coronavirus as a way for all of their pet policies that they’ve been planning to enact for a very long time can finally be enacted.


In a report entitled, “World Bank Outlook 2050 Strategic Directions Note: Supporting Countries to Meet Long-Term Goals of Decarbonization,” they promise to “transform” food systems, land-based ecosystems and carbon sinks, energy systems, mobility, urban areas, water systems, the ocean, and digital life. If you think that sounds exactly like what the Davos Elite at the World Economic Forum are planning, you’d be right.



Literally anybody who’s anybody is backing the Great Reset and trying to push for a life where nothing is free and everything is public. They are using a virus as an excuse to push what they’ve always wanted to push, which might explain why something with such a low fatality rate has such “skyrocketing” case and fatality numbers, while many other diseases have plummeted in their numbers, and while doctors had been coached to mark covid as a leading cause of death on the death certificates even if it can’t be established that the virus is what killed a patient, and all that can be established is that they had it.


If they want this Great Reset, and if they want people to give up their way of life, one they have built for many decades, in addition to the basic things that have driven human action for as long as civilization has been civilization, they need to scare us into submission so that we start thinking irrationally and stop treating dissenters with any level of reason or respect, because they are clearly the enemy and also should be feared, if not outright hated.


Anyone who gets in the way of the Great Reset is putting at risk their stimulus check, their stability, their hope of ever returning to a semblance of normal, their ability to have fun and interact with their fellow human, and their chance to do anything necessary to maintain health and sanity, and the MSM and establishmentarians have done nothing but hammer the point that people who aren’t with the program are the only thing holding everyone back. Think back to when you were in elementary school and the whole class was punished for one person’s actions, even if that person’s actions weren’t actually unreasonable, just something the teacher didn’t like.


Conformity is how society has been structured, and the response to this virus is an extremely effective way of testing whether or not the conditioning worked. All tyrannies in history have started along similar lines to this, and the outright technocratic fascism we’re walking into is a grim future none of us should want. This groupthink has been baked into us forever, and the only way out is to recognize that we’re being propagandized to and filed into ranks, so that we can all be led into the future that they want, or the camps.


Sound familiar?




Jeremiah Harding

An angry anarchist bent on black-pilling the universe, he hits hard on everything ranging from taxation to technocracy. Everything is a conspiracy, or at least that's what he wants you to think. He's written for Poliquads, various libertarian sites, and his personal anti-state propaganda site, which launched last year. He has a podcast, called The Weekly Hellscape, where he details the week's news, from the opposite perspective of friendly, and he has a YouTube channel, where he descends into madness. He's coming for all your sacred calves. Stay tuned!