Spirituality for Agorists

Spirituality for Agorists

by Lily Forester

Until recently, for me, spirituality and agorism were two completely separate things.  In fact, spirituality was something that other people engaged in to make them feel better about the way the world works. That’s because most of the people I encountered for a long time who were practicing “spirituality” were pretty detached from reality as far as I was concerned.  We live, we die, that’s it, right? No real way to manipulate things other than sheer hard work and determination, things we can control.


A few near-death experiences and some psychedelic journeys later, and I have been left at least questioning my previous super atheist convictions.  Particularly, a Bufo alvarius trip I took a few years ago sent me to a place that made me think, “Okay, maybe there is something else.” My atheist convictions are rooted in the fact that there is no evidence of any higher source.  Some things I have experienced have taught me otherwise and I think it is worth sharing, because if I can harness my spiritual agorist power, anyone can.  I was skeptical as hell, but it turns out that spirituality can be pretty practical, done right.


So, that Bufo trip left me questioning, and right after that, I met a woman named Nova Om who asked for my birth details in order to run my human design chart.  Sounds kind of silly when you hear about it the first time, but I really liked the lady so I gave it a shot. Bufo got me to question, but human design left me sure that there was something to all this spirituality stuff.


Human design is this system for self-understanding developed by this guy named Ra, who is no longer alive, sadly, but super smart and pretty agorist in his way of thinking.  He came up with the chart and all its components based off several different schools of astrological thought and some science, too. Turns out where and exactly when you were born really determines a lot about who you are and what kind of experience you are going to have with the world.


As far as I’m concerned, the fact that I am an agorist is written into my human design and I have the strong hunch about many others as well.  I have seen quite a few agorist’s charts over the last year and a lot are like me, generators, that is the makers and builders of the world.  I’m actually a manifesting generator, which adds nuance.  There’s literally hundreds of ways to look at these charts to discover new things about yourself that you might have known intuitively, but might not have understood the reason why. For me, my work ethic is literally in my human design, and so is my drive for money.


Beyond that, my life path, consisting of 30 years of hard experimentation, 20 years of hermit, to emerge at 50 as the the role model to share what I’ve learned. Kinda makes sense.  Most people I’ve introduced to human design have found it extremely interesting and validating. The best part is, you can either pay an agorist like my friend Nova Om, or you can run your chart yourself and spend the time to do the research into your own chart. The whole goal is to help you be more uniquely you, because while some people may have similarities in their chart, no two charts are exactly the same.


This brings me to the general idea of manifestation.  This is, the will power force we agorists harness when it’s time to get shit done and make it happen, nothing more than that.  It’s when we set our intention of doing something, and then there’s that force that helps us follow through to do it.  Now, there are some fun, crafty ways to manifest including burning candles with herbs and crystals, using crystals in general, and more. Sometime in the year after that Bufo trip, I started collecting crystals.  At some point during the Bufo trip, someone handed me this hunk of polished quartz that I rolled around in my hands. I originally started collecting them because I’m autistic and crystals are less obvious to stim (stim is just a term for how autistics commonly move their hands and bodies to exhaust anxious energy) with in public than a fidget spinner.


Even if the rocks don’t have actual magical powers, they are really useful for thinking about what you want and goal setting.  Pyrite, for example, is supposedly associated with wealth.  I have quite a few hunks of pyrite, and when I’m feeling stressed about money, I hold them and brainstorm ways to make money. And it usually helps.


This piece of obsidian is for when I’m stressed or sad. I’ll just carry it around and the dark color and smooth surface of the palm stone I own are enough to help it suck a bit less. At the absolute worst, the rock is pretty and shiny and can be sold for money to gringos (Americans) if push comes to shove. A pretty underestimated store of value.


Then, there’s tarot cards. I had my first set at 18, and even then, I was convinced they’re just good for problem solving.  Setting up the cards and choosing a spread puts you in a good state of mind to think about things and the cards make you think about them from a different angle. That being said, I’ve had some hella accurate readings over the years, so do with that information what you will.  A lot of commie types say you need to be gifted your first deck. Fuck that, the agorist way is to see a deck at a store that makes you happy and buy that. Go for unique decks and support the artists who make them.


My deck is made by Ciro Marchetti if you’re curious, an Italian American digital artist who comes out with a new deck every year.


This is likely my most practical solution, but it fits here because its entire purpose is for productivity and manifestation, as stated by the producer.  I’m talking about the Panda Planner, which is the only reason I have any sort of handle on how many different jobs I currently work. I bought one of the undated daily 6 month versions last May and I loved it.


It has you start the day with what you are grateful for and what you are excited about. It also has you set goals by defining why you want to achieve them, which is huge for following through. Studies actually show that if you define clearly WHY you want to do the stuff you have on your lists, you’re more likely to follow through.  It also has you write affirmations, something that most people might roll their eyes at, but turns out writing, “I attract wealth and prosperity,” every day does seem to work. And it at least puts you in the mindset to be attracting money instead of repelling it with thoughts like, “I am poor and have no money or opportunities.”


Finally, is awareness of astrological events and their effects on the human body. I’m talking moons, planets going into retrograde, solar flares, and the like.  Turns out all of those aspects really fuck with a lot of the energetic balance here on our planet.  One thing often ignored is that there’s a really electrical component in all living beings with a nervous system…which is pretty much all living beings. So, it makes sense that gravitational pull from the moon or a planet suddenly changing directions might bring some struggles.  Now, I will be the first to say I was the skeptic rolling my eyes at hippies announcing retrogrades; it just sounded like an excuse for why their lives sucked.  But at this point, I do believe there is an effect, and it’s usually in things like finance, communication, and emotional health.  I’ve had too many times of struggling emotionally or financially to find out after the fact some planet or another (Mercury, I am looking at you) decides it’s time for retrograde. The awareness I now have is that I know when these times are coming, so when shit “randomly” starts going wrong, I can be like, “Oh, this is why, let’s wait it out.”


Finally, I do want to bring up psychedelics again, also cannabis.  Cannabis is a useful tool for slipping out of that super logical mind state. If you’re trying to have your shit blown wide open, try a strong trip of Bufo Alvarius. I was not in my body for awhile and that’s really the only way to put it. Microdosing is also extremely useful. I micro-dosed mushrooms preserved in honey (nearly died of botulism from it, turns out microdosing botulism isn’t ok), but while I did end up pretty sick, I also really upgraded my knowledge of Gimp image editing software intuitively, to the point where I don’t really have to Google anything when using it these days.  If you micro dose, make sure you can trust the source and that you aren’t just microdosing dirty acid analog, or mushrooms laced with deadly botulism.


So, there you have it: a crash course in practical spirituality for agorists.  It’s a lot more practical than you might expect.  Reach out to me if you have any questions.



Lily Forester

Lily Forester is a drug war refugee living in Mexico surviving on the agorist lifestyle with her dog, Renegade, and cat, Satoshi. She has been committed to the agorist lifestyle since learning about it in college, where she was being forced to specialize in one field. Agorism suited her multifacted interests and desire for a rich and diverse life. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency became an essential part of her agorist lifestyle in 2012 and she has lived off cryptocurrency since 2014. Currently she survives off the following: writing, audio editing for two podcasts, promotion, crochet, transcription, virtual assistance, and social media management.