Rockefeller Medical Mafia: the Endgame Is Now

Rockefeller Medical Mafia: the Endgame Is Now

by Graham Smith

Medicine in America, or anywhere in the developed world these days, ain’t what you think it is.


There used to be systems of competition that incentivized cheap prices, innovation, and equality of opportunity. There used to be competing schools of thought providing myriad options for patients seeking one or multiple unique types of treatment for their particular ailment.


There used to be much less licensing, allowing virtually anyone with the passion and capability to practice medicine to do so. There used to be a free market industry that wasn’t run by a centralized, big government, pharmaceutical corporatist crime syndicate. Let’s take a look.

The Flexner Report


Around the turn of the 20th century in the United States, there were many medical schools and practices. Some run by eclectics, practicing various types of medicine from various philosophical backgrounds, and some run by more traditional Western, or allopathic doctors. There were great physicians, conman nutjobs, and everything in between. Women and African Americans could study and practice. There was much economic competition. Medicine was, as it were, decentralized. The responsibility of finding a reliable physician was the onus of the individual and the community, and not a central government.


That is, until the Flexner Report entered the scene in 1910, published with support from the Carnegie Foundation. Abraham Flexner, author of the lengthy tome, was not a doctor.


The Council on Medical Education was created in 1904 by the American Medical Association. The AMA was founded in 1847, and is, as many know, a group of doctors and medical students that lobbies the government. In plain terms, they pay the state money so the state will enact violence-backed laws which the AMA wishes to see enacted. Bribery, in other words. Which is legal, as long as it is called “lobbying.”


One could paint it in some other light. For example, they are “protecting people from bad doctors and quack medicine.” But the end result — violence being leveraged against non-violent people to corner a market — is the same.


Well, this Council on Medical Education created by the AMA wanted to revamp medicine in the U.S. On the surface, many of the goals were admirable ones: more education, more hands-on practice, filtering for higher-quality doctors, etc. But, as we know, when the state becomes involved, everything turns to shit. Even if we give the unlikely-to-be-deserved benefit of the doubt to the AMA.


The AMA sought out the power of wealthy industrialist Andrew Carnegie, whose Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching chose non-doctor Abraham Flexner, to write a report on what was going down at med schools all across the United States. Parts of the report indeed seem honorable. Medical schools were criticized for being boring, interminable lecture-fests, with more observation than actual practice.

The publication of the Flexner Report opened a door, however, by which politicians and lobbyists — as well as rich industrialists — could enter the medical scene and turn medical study into a lucrative racket, by way of licensing schemes, and shutting out the little guy (and gals, and black people). All under the auspices of doing something beneficial for the “greater good.”

Another captain of industry you may have heard of — John D. Rockefeller — was on board with the Flexner report. Rockefeller was into dumping money into this type of shit. Like, really into it. And if you want to get a general feel for the creepiness underlying the “honorable goals” of these initiatives, look at this lovely excerpt from Rockefeller’s General Education Board in 1913 talking about educating rural folk:

“In our dream, we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from their minds … We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning, or men of science … So we will organize our children into a little community and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way, in the homes, in the shops and on the farm.”

You see, we the average folk are dumbasses and cannot be expected to be brilliant, thoughtful, or bright. Our place is to be cogs in the wheel. But I digress.


Rockefeller leveraged this so-called General Education Board, whose goal was to literally “mold” the masses, and a whole bunch of money, to push Flexner’s report on aspiring doctors and medical schools everywhere.

To translate for you: “We don’t need a bunch of serf losers trying to be doctors and healers. We will decide who can help their fellow man.”

Around the time of the Flexner Report, there were many for-profit medical schools unaffiliated with universities, and there were even folks who practiced part-time. Like the free market always works, finding a good service took some effort on the part of the customer. “Quacks” — a word no-doubt propagated by Flexner and his ilk at the time — would suffer poor reputations for their scams and malpractice, and quality physicians would thrive by way of market choice.

But that wasn’t good enough. The state-embedded, drooling Carnegie/Rockefeller/Flexner cartel could not abide any competition. Cited noble goals notwithstanding, the true results of the centralization of medicine began to be seen immediately.


Results of Flexner’s Flex


  • From 1910 to 1935, more than 50% of medical schools in the U.S. closed or merged.
  • Most historically black medical schools were closed. To get an idea as to why, here is a quote from Flexner on “Negro doctors”: “The practice of the Negro doctor will be limited to his own race … The Negro must be educated not only for his sake, but for ours. He is, as far as the human eye can see, a permanent factor in the nation.”
  • Universities reverted to male-only admissions, to reduce the number of aspiring physicians.
  • Unapproved types of medicine and alternative treatments could no longer be taught at accredited universities and medical schools.
  • Strict, state-supervised licensing regimes were implemented, along with minimum terms of study required before becoming licensed.




The Big Picture, and Where We Are Now


Individuals in any given society have two choices: take responsibility for themselves, or outsource it. Where the state is concerned, there is only one option, and that is the latter. A select group of self-appointed “experts,” lobbyists, politicians, and medical boards get to decide who can practice medicine. Of course, natural centralization of services for the benefit of a given community is not necessarily, in and of itself, a bad thing. But the state uses force. Violence.

Prior to the cancerous proliferation of statism, if someone wanted to treat their child’s seizures with cannabis, for example (which has been shown to be tremendously effective), this could be done rather easily. Now, depending on one’s geographical location, a gang of state thugs may put you in a cage for attempting to save the life of your child.

Now we see vaccine giants who lobby the state making a new so-called treatment for a highly questionable so-called “pandemic.” A treatment, no less, whose very inventor says is virtually untested and dangerous.

Instead of allowing folks to choose and businesses to choose which customers they accept, and choosing a live-and-let-live philosophy, the dumbed-down masses are cheering on mandates, vaccine passports, forced penetration of non-violent strangers, and violent restrictions on movement, globally.

The voluntaryist way to solve this is private property:

Airlines catering to non-vaccinated passengers. Others to the vaccinated. If you don’t want me to eat at your pro-gene therapy restaurant, I’ll gladly go somewhere else. I’ll gladly see another doctor. Maybe you think he is a “quack.” That is fine. Competition. Lower prices. Consequences for malpractice instead of slaps on the wrist for too-big-to-fail corporations like Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer.

Imagine the opportunities for the poor and brilliant to enter medicine and heal and help their neighbors and communities! Without needing the approval of some loser nobody in an office high-rise thousands of miles away!

Isn’t this peaceful, property-based disassociation better than killing and caging one another via violence-backed mandates of a small group of individuals called “the state”? I may disagree with you on the best ways to deal with disease, but I would rather see you live in peace. Even if you want me nowhere near you…I would respect that.


Why are you unwilling to respect my self-ownership as well?

You’d rather have a needle forced into my arm than to allow me to go my separate way? What’s that? It’s too much work to reorganize things and do away with statism, shifting to a system of private property? Would you have made the same argument about slavery? The real issue is the anti-concept “public property.” I am extorted to pay taxes for the same “public” facility you are, and we disagree about who should be able to enter or not enter. Shouldn’t the answer be to find another way — privatization — instead of to cage and kill?!?

The Rockefellers, the Carnegies, and the sociopath cartels are still in control. Look at the boards of directors. Look at the lobbyists. Trace the in-your-face, unmissable connections. Actually read about these connections between these businesses, states, corporations, individuals, trust funds, think tanks, cabals. The information is publicly available.


Until we abandon this psychotic way of viewing the world (statism) and medicine, there will be no peace. And no health.

There certainly cannot be real health in such a system. A system where corporatism incentivizes disease, and sociopaths cheer on the takeover of healthcare by criminal cartels. A system that views you as a dolt to be molded, incapable of self-direction or critical thought.

Just remember. This plan has been on the books for well over a century. Now we are in the end game.


If you wish to have someone think for you, fine. But stop attempting to foist your lazy, second-hand and violent views of the world on the rest of us. The result of this refusal to think is the “Great Reset.” A global power grab of unprecedented proportions, wearing the disguise of disease prevention and “modern medicine,” to establish a worldwide anti-propertarian control grid. A panopticon where your role as livestock for the “elite” will be fully and finally manifest.


Unless you speak out now, disobey, and begin to fight back.

Graham Smith

Graham Smith is an American expat living in Japan, and the founder of Voluntary Japan—an initiative dedicated to spreading the philosophies of unschooling, individual self-ownership, and economic freedom in the land of the rising sun.