Panopticon Rising: Covid19, and the elite enslavement plan

Panopticon Rising: Covid19, and the elite enslavement plan

by Jeremiah Harding

In case you haven’t heard, the world is ending. Stocks are low, bears are everywhere, and the dollar is suffering. The National Guard is deployed, and governments globally mandate that territories are locked down. Streets are clear, businesses shuttered, police ordered to force people indoors, at the orders of governors, and everyone’s being bombarded with the phrase “new normal”, as if that’s what it should be. Why? 2019’s “novel coronavirus”. A global pandemic, says the World Health Organization, and the world agrees. Parroting whatever media – social, mainstream, and otherwise – says, treating the government’s word and their orders, as gospel, and constantly cloying for a solution, the populations of all countries are suddenly united in subservience, accepting the new order, and no matter the cost to their freedom, DEMANDING state solutions to the issue.


Now, to be clear – yes, this situation is grave. There are 536,452 active cases, as of writing this. 26,789 are in serious or critical condition, and 33,956 have died. And these are just the reported numbers; it’s probably much worse, but governments want to look good, even if it costs lives. I want you to take nothing in this post as downplaying the gravity of the deaths. But as I’m sure you’ll soon see, there might be some people who see those numbers as means to the ends of their agendas, and that’s more shameful than nearly anything else this world can offer.


But just to give you some contrast? Those nearly 34,000 deaths are absolutely dwarfed by the 151,000 recovered or discharged. So for now, it looks like things are relatively handled.


What’s more, Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., world-renowned doctor covering the virus from a rational point of view, had this to say recently.


“On the basis of a case definition requiring a diagnosis of pneumonia, the currently reported case fatality rate is approximately 2%. In another article in the Journal, Guan et al. report mortality of 1.4% among 1099 patients with laboratory-confirmed Covid-19; these patients had a wide spectrum of disease severity. If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.”


This isn’t some fringe outlet with some anti-government agenda – that’s our job – this is the New England Journal Of Medicine. The NEJM is flat-out telling you that the death rate being reported everywhere is massively artificially high. You or I could be an “asymptomatic carrier”. If there were enough tests to go around, or if they’d stop giving them to rich people first, we might find out we’re some of the potentially millions, if not billions, of zeroes, which would drop the percentage like a rock, if fully calculated. Again – the deaths are tragic, but they’re also being hijacked, manipulated, exaggerated, and politicized, and the fear is causing more problems than it solves. But the state loves that – as they say “let no good crisis go to waste”. They’ve been demanded to solve this problem, and trillions have been allotted in a bipartisan deal to help them solve it. At least, so they say.


And Fauci isn’t alone, nor is he the more extreme voice in the medical field here. Wolfgang Wodarg, german MD with experience tracking viral diseases, has been an outright skeptic of the hysteria surrounding Covid19. He says:


“[W]hile looking for a specific virus, for example, the coronavirus, you can examine the total population.  What you will find is that presumably around 8% or 10% of the population will have some kind of virus that makes them sick.  But if you examine medical practices, do your tests there, to determine who is sick, then of course you would find a lot more positive cases. And if you examine hospitals and take samples there, then you would find even more corona-infected people…. [D]epending on which proportions of the population you examine—whether it is the whole population, patients in the waiting room, people in a clinic, or when you examine very ill patients in the intensive care unit that are about to die—you will expectedly find these 7%-15% coronaviruses every time you do a test…. [W]hen you look at the death rates in Italy, you want to know where the tests have been taken.  Where and how have these few available tests been used? If they were used in a hospital on serious or terminally ill cases, then obviously the corona death rate rises.”


He concludes that “it’s just normal that a big part of viruses are coronaviruses”, and points out that if more people were tested, the fatality rate would absolutely tank. Want another doctor’s opinion? Fine! Dr. Paul Offitt is the co-inventor of a vaccine for rotavirus, widely used by the CDC, and has enough expertise in viruses, vax, and immunology, that he’s been granted the position of Director of the Vaccine Education Center  at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. He says this of the situation:


This year, in the United States, there were between 300,000 and 500,000 hospitalizations from influenza. We had between 20,000 and 45,000 deaths. Of those, 154 occurred in children. In the last two months since COVID-19 has been in United States, 20 children have died from influenza; no children have died from COVID-19. I wish that every week they put up the number of deaths from influenza and the number of deaths from COVID-19; we would realize that influenza is far worse. But we do not quarantine and we do not cancel meetings or shut down schools, churches, and synagogues from influenza. I do not understand what the difference is. If these two viruses are likely to cause infection and disease, why we are treating one different from the other? What worries me is that our administration has recommended people to go to their doctors and ask to get tested for COVID-19. I think people with mild symptoms are going to their doctors wondering if they have COVID-19. This is going to be a real impact on the American healthcare system.  It will make it harder to get resources and harder to help people who really need it. I think we are going to do more harm than good in all this.


Hear that? A bunch of people who will probably be fine are overloading the healthcare system, causing more deaths from deadlier diseases! You coming in with your covid concerns is ACTIVELY making things worse! But everyone’s panicking right now, and you know what that’s doing? It ain’t flattening a curve, I’ll tell you that. But the government is telling everyone to freak out and not leave their house for fear of drone bombing an old folks home with sickfire missiles. And those people are doing what they say, and just begging them to handle it in exchange for the rote and universal compliance.

So how is government dealing with it?


To deal with domestic affairs, more than 11,400 Guard troops have been mobilized, as of Wednesday. Governors across all 50 states, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Washington D.C. have each mobilized components of their Army and Air National Guard. According to MilitaryTimes, “eight states have now approved the use of Dual-Status Commanders, giving them the authority to command active and reserve component troops under control of a state’s governor. As a governors’ response to the coronavirus pandemic continues to evolve, so does the Guard response.”


And continuing on the bead of the domestic military, Trump has used the Defense Production Act, to essentially nationalize a ton of corporations, forcing them to make masks, ventilators, and more, with his cabinet publicly celebrating how much of a “war” this feels like. Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro is now the policy coordinator for the Defense Production Act, and his take? “We are engaged in the most significant industrial mobilization since World War II. We have a wartime president fighting an invisible enemy and we have the full force of government coupled with the full power of bearing down on this problem for the American people.” How people aren’t accurately labeling this fascism would be beyond me, were I not already heavily cynical about peoples’ willingness to accept tyranny in times of pressure.


Currently, the Guard is deployed under Title 32 status, but if that wasn’t bad enough, people are seriously contemplating whether or not to federalize the National Guard, under Title 10. If Trump did this, he could use them to enforce federal edicts, and state governments could use them to enforce state laws and orders (including lockdowns). They can also be used to suppress any insurrection, domestic violence, unlawful combination, or conspiracy, meaning that if people got tired of this shit, they could just put down any rebellion – remember Kent State? Yeah – it’s like that. But everywhere.


Speaking of schools, many states, and DC, have closed all schools. Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massacheussetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin, have all either partly or fully closed all schools, for varying lengths of time. California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Hawaii, Maryland, Massacheussets. Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Washington, have all locked down, at least somewhat. But of course they have – it’s a “war”, remember?


And since it’s a war, it’s time for a bunch of hawks to rear their beaky heads – up to the plate is Bill de Blasio, saying “This is a case for a nationalization, literally a nationalization, of crucial factories and industries that could produce the medical supplies to prepare this country for what we need,” to Joy Reid, then telling CNN “the federal government needs to take over the supply chain right now.” After Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan locked down the state, he said “If a need for law enforcement action arises, we will take the appropriate action. We are first conferencing with state’s attorneys and local law enforcement chiefs and sheriffs across Maryland. We will work in support of and partnership with those local authorities.” He doubled down later, saying “We’re not playing around. The hope is that people understand the seriousness of this and will comply and we won’t have to use enforcement measures. But we’re more than willing to do that.” Wisconsin has set up a snitching form so Karens can rejoice as they report such heinous criminal acts as having more than two people in the same area. Similar measures have cropped up across the nation. Airports are forcing screening, which has slowed air traffic to a halt in some places, and some airports have been shut down altogether. A man had his bar shittered for leaving it open in Ohio, and there were “several arrests” made. A New Jersey woman has an arrest warrant for giving false info when tested, and a Kentucky man is forced to stay indoors, under 24 hour armed police surveillance, because he checked out of the hospital with the illness. APCs, MRAPs, and tanks are seen driving down domestic streets, and all areas, even wilderness, are monitored by drones.


And it isn’t just a war at home either; the alleged “War on Terror” still rages on. One would think that, with all the cries for closed borders, isolationism, and low international travel, this precious resource conflict could taper down, and troops could finally actually be sent home, instead of simply being shifted around the Middle East and Northern Africa, like a slide puzzle. That is, if you believe the War on Terror to be legitimate. Many people believe it not to be, and to simply be at best a resource extraction and power increasement campaign which lasted for decades. I happen to be one of those people. Most war involves lies to get started, and corruption to keep going. It expands the pockets and power of the state and its allies at the expense of the commoner. As Major General Smedley Butler said:


“It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.”


And none of this has even accounted for non-US citizens, and how their government is treating them. I’ve watched people violently beaten, dragged from their homes and off streets, and more, in India, China, Iran, and more. It’s started happening in the UK and EU too. A man in Dubai was arrested simply for saying people should question “stay at home”.


But surely I’m just being a conspiracy theorist, right? And surely conspiracy theories are the work of evil men corrupting society, right? Well this one is rather convoluted, but simultaneously? Extremely obvious. The elites want two things; they want to know you know.

They want you to know that they know.


Not to be outdone, in the “we know you know we know” market, let’s be clear – last year, Event 201 was a self-styled “pandemic tabletop exercise” hosted by The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY, and in it, they detailed literally everything that was to come. For those who don’t know, the WEF has a nickname among certain circles, mine included… the Davos Elite. From NYT:


In public, many executives wring their hands over the negative consequences that artificial intelligence and automation could have for workers. They take part in panel discussions about building “human-centered A.I.” for the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” — Davos-speak for the corporate adoption of machine learning and other advanced technology — and talk about the need to provide a safety net for people who lose their jobs as a result of automation. But in private settings, including meetings with the leaders of the many consulting and technology firms whose pop-up storefronts line the Davos Promenade, these executives tell a different story: They are racing to automate their own work forces to stay ahead of the competition, with little regard for the impact on workers. All over the world, executives are spending billions of dollars to transform their businesses into lean, digitized, highly automated operations. They crave the fat profit margins automation can deliver, and they see A.I. as a golden ticket to savings, perhaps by letting them whittle departments with thousands of workers down to just a few dozen.


The piece goes on to detail the fact that many of these WEF meetings go on in order to determine how best to destroy liberty and economic mobility in the name of an automation which would eventually render humans obsolete, to the ends of corporate profit. But if that isn’t enough to convince you, watch Truthstream Media’s “Obsolete”, and get back to me. This plan is long in the works, and they regularly float ideas around like the mind not even being a private place anymore. Everything in their vision would be effectively “on loan” from the technocracy. The end of property, and the dawn of an age where we spend our time indoors, waiting for things to be brought to us. Like pets. For a global elite. Or in the case of Elon Musk, for AI. He claims, “We’ll be like a pet labrador if we’re lucky.”


And Musk’s solution? Let’s stick a bunch of electrodes in peoples’ brains, permanently interfacing them with a “neural lace”, capable of creating some parity with an artificial intelligence he claims is a “demon” we summoned and continue to summon. His product, Neuralink, was unveiled last year, as a surgery, forcing tiny electrode fibers into the human brain, through the skull, so that an input/output link could be established with our nerve cells, and so that we could literally install apps – into our brains.


If that sounds like a dystopian fiction, know two things; first, it’s already here – no fiction necessary, and second, the dystopia is NOW. You’re in it. The question is whether or not you’ll go quietly.


But how-oh-how do we get there?


To answer that, you first must ask… what were there months ago, before the plague, and even more recently? Protests. Mass global unrest, distrust in governments, and a ton of backlash against legislation, new and old. It was the hip thing to do, and everyone was doing it! Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, Massachusetts Institute of Technology bachelor in electrical engineering and computer science, dual master in mechanical engineering and visual studies, and doctor of bioengineering, had this to say:


America is becoming nationalist, India’s becoming nationalist, Russia’s nationalist, even China was becoming nationalist! What do I mean by that? They were starting to want to use their yuan to buy oil which is a big no-no to the global elites! If you remember what happened to Qaddafi, when Qaddafi wanted to go buy oil, he was creating his own currency to buy oil, directly from the Saudis. He was executed by the Clintons, okay? Iran is branded as a terrorist because they want to create their own currency. China was starting to do that, Russia wants to start doing that, and in Italy, if you actually look at it over the last, ten years there’s been one of the most important movements; a bottom-up independent movement called the Five Star Movement, would challenge both political parties in Italy. In China, itself, was the Hong Kong freedom movements taking place in Wuhan. SIX MONTHS AGO there were anti-pollution protests taking place – and in the United States there was the anti-vaccine movement which was questioning forced medical intervention. What you have is the global elites in this country – the deep state, which includes Big Pharma, which wants to put all of us on drugs, which wants to mandate vaccines because that’s the only way out for them because vaccines by the way are the only way pharmaceutical companies make real profitable revenue.


He also didn’t even get into the second amendment protests in Virginia, the constant marches against Trump, and more. The world was on fire, and they had to stoke the flames. How do you do that? Well, if history is any indicator, a good starting approach is giving people an invisible enemy which is all around them, then stripping liberties in the name of fighting that alleged threat. It worked with sedition in every major civil uprising, with communism or witchcraft in the 18th-20th century US, and with terror in the 21st. Now? We have the foreign threat of spooky illnesses. Now everyone’s indoors, waiting for stuff to be brought to them, and tightly controlled when they’re out. Like a… pet… or something. Kept in a house or yard until it’s time to go for a walk on a leash just long enough to control us, and just slacked enough to make us think our limited range of motion is “freedom”.


Think I’m being harsh? Check out this Agnelli, Rithschild, Cadbury, and Schroeder-owned Economist article, and try to find out where you are in the image.



                                              Source, Economist – 2020; Image Credit: Luca D’Urbino



That’s right – you’re the lapdog.


The article goes on to extol the virtues of what amount to medical fascism. Big brother controls medicine, and medicine controls you. Everyone is leashed, and it’s good they are! And that’s just the image – the text makes it perfectly clear why you should be a good doggy.


Not just in the threat of fines or prison for ordinary people doing ordinary things, but also in the size and scope of the government’s role in the economy. In America Congress is poised to pass a package worth almost $2trn, 10% of gdp, twice what was promised in 2007-09. Credit guarantees by Britain, France and other countries are worth 15% of gdp. Central banks are printing money and using it to buy assets they used to spurn. For a while, at least, governments are seeking to ban bankruptcy. For believers in limited government and open markets, covid-19 poses a problem. The state must act decisively. But history suggests that after crises the state does not give up all the ground it has taken. Today that has implications not just for the economy, but also for the surveillance of individuals.


The article goes on to disclaim nearly all measures currently taken against the people in these times, and pushes the notion of their necessity, not giving the other side literally any airtime. The commoner is merely an inconvenient obstacle in the way of their perfect vision, and if you disagree, you’re a proud blade of grass, which must be cut down to conformity. Don’t worry; you can grow back later, when we “sunset” our anti-libertarian ethos once this is over; and we never lie or break promises for our own power and gain… nah.


Hey, though – it’s not like they could be doing anything they don’t want us knowing about. They shut down all “nonessential” business, so the only stuff still being done must be absolutely necessary, right? Well then it’d be pretty weird if they were using this as an opportunity to mass-install 5G towers in schools and elsewhere, right? Like these places are definitely meant to be closed for “cleaning”, not so a bunch of things can be done behind peoples’ backs, while they’re literally forced indoors, by threat of cops, the military, or both, right?


Wrong. I’ve seen reports from private citizens all over the US about how there are new buildings being built, new additions on existing ones, infrastructure, and most notably, 5G towers, and fiber optic cable to suit them.


Want to talk China? Fine – let’s do that. Recently, on both my website, and Youtube, I went over Clearview, a shady company that allows something as simple as taking a photo of someone to be the basis for a mass search of public information. This functionality has been used in hundreds of LEO departments, and thousands of investigations, and continues to this day to be used. They take a picture of you, and it immediately matches it to your social profile, all usernames, home address, phone number, and more. What’s worse, buried in its code is the ability to connect to augmented reality glasses, and seamlessly deliver this info in a video-game style cyberpunk looking readout. China is already implementing this, along with the kind of infrastructural control that would give Blume’s “Smart City Program” they call “Central Operating System” from Ubisoft’s “Watch Dogs” a run for its money. Universal monitoring, universal control, and access to all accounts, make that a fun game to play, from a (decidedly unrealistic) hacker’s POV, but a terrible world to live in. But China has made it real, and wants you to know about it, which is why their nationalized telecom company put out a propaganda video detailing how the state could bend a whole city their will just to find one person. And the basis of that? It’s coming here. Clearview presents that clear and present danger to our liberty and privacy – a universal XKEYSCORE that more than just NSA can (and regularly do) access. And not for nothing? That additional airport screening is facial recognition… cause it’s “more sanitary”, to prevent cooties.


Still not convinced? Okay. You know how every YouTuber and other content creator you know is sponsored by Bill Gates recently? One of the guys behind Event 201? Y’know how he wants to seem all human, and keeps on coming onto peoples’ channels and websites? Funny it’s happening now… right before he stepped down from Microsoft’s board. I mean he’s 64, with a net worth of 96 million dollars, so it’d make sense for him to retire now, right? Enter Mark Zuckerburg, and his wife, Priscilla Chan, throwing $25 million behind an effort to “find a drug cure”. The Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative, a totally-not-a-tax-writeoff philanthropy organization, is throwing that money at the Gates Foundation, and their “COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator” effort, and that Zuck cash, combined with a $50 million upfront investment from the Gates themselves, and other philanthropic donations, brings their total funds now to $125 million. Mark Suzman, current head of the Foundation, says, “we believe we can help by partnering with private and philanthropic enterprises to lower the financial risk and technical barriers for biotech and pharmaceutical companies developing antivirals for COVID-19.” So what else has Gates been up to?


Well, for two years now, Microsoft has been the founding partner to another organization, which goes by the name “ID2020”. Peggy Johnson, Executive VP, Business Development, Microsoft Corporation, has this to say about the partnership…


“Closing the identity gap is an enormous challenge. It will take the work of many committed people and organizations coming together across different geographies, sectors and technologies. But it’s exciting to imagine a world where safe and secure digital identities are possible, providing everyone with an essential building block to every right and opportunity they deserve.”


So how does she plan on closing that gap, and what is ID2020? ID2020 is a universal ID system they’ve been building for years. The official website says it will “live with you from life to death”, and that it will be “accessible anywhere you happen to be, through multiple methods”. They bemoan that “1.1 billion people worldwide live without a digital ID”, and that “Identity is neither portable nor persistent”. They couch this in human rights, essential services, economic opportunity, assisting those in need, gender equality, and global development. They cite a 2015 UN declaration that they’d “provide legal identity for all, including birth registration” by 2030”, and directly state, “the rapid proliferation of smart devices globally, combined with ever-increasing computing power and rapidly expanding broadband coverage, enables new methods of registration and facilitates ongoing interaction between individuals and their identity data.” They say “New technologies, including blockchain, when used in conjunction with long-proven technologies, such as biometrics, now make it possible for all people to have access to a safe, verifiable, and persistent form of identity.” Are you seeing red flags? Good. It gets worse.


By looking over their technical requirements, they demand that the solutions bearing the ID2020 mark of certification have both offline and online capability, resilience, long term usability, cost effectiveness, ease of use, and ease of implementation on the part of both end-user and information recipient. It’s a long document, but suffice it to say, it’s a lot of info to basically say “we’re scanning you everywhere you go”. But how to implement such a sweeping change? Well, one of the organizations on the advisory board of ID2020 is Gavi, “The Vaccine Alliance”. CEO of Gavi, Dr. Seth Berkley, sits on their executive board. On mandatory vaccines, Gavi is on record saying “I personally think that is a good strategy”, and bemoaned people having problems with government, as part of the “misinformed” masses. As to strategy, Gavi is on record talking about their strategy in implementing mandatory vax…


“If you go in and say, ‘We the government are gonna tell you what to do,’ I think that makes it challenging. If you say, ‘We are trying to pass laws that protect the population. Think about wearing seatbelts or wearing a motorcycle helmet or not smoking in public places’ … These were all regulations that were about protecting the population. It needs to be seen like that,” he said.


So how do you get the people on the side of such an invasion? Well… start with kids. Recently, MIT, with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and under the direct request of Bill Gates, funded a tattoo they want to inject into your children that would make people who have been vaccinated reflect infrared light. Huh. Wonder what reads IR light – not like the smartcams in China’s 5G surveillance grid rely on that, and could be used anywhere, and not like this could be used as a form of social control, otherizing those who do not bear the mark, and barring them from social activity and economic participation… nah. What’s more?


The researchers hope to add more detailed information to the dots, such as the date of vaccination. Along with them, the team eventually wants to inject sensors that could also potentially be used to track aspects of health such as insulin levels in diabetics, Ana Jaklenec says.


So a tattoo, with potential active sensory monitoring, in later devices, in the style of Black Mirror’s “Arkangel”, for your kids. No way that’ll eventually extend to adulthood, nah… don’t be a conspiracy theorist. Like conspiracy theorist Aaron Russo, who told Alex Jones the following about Nick Rockefeller, one of those in the family of another founding ID2020 partner… the Rockefeller Foundation:

“[Nick] came to me, introduced himself through an attorney, and we became friends. We started talking about things. And… I learned an awful lot from Mr. Rockefeller. And one of the things that we used to talk about was the ultimate plan of the banking industry – what they wanted to accomplish. And the goals of the banking industry – not just the Federal Reserve System but the private banks in Germany, and England, all over Italy, all over the world – they all work together, they’re all central banks. And so, the ultimate goal that these people have in mind is the goal to create a one-world government, run by the banking industry. Run by the bankers. And the whole agenda is to create a one-world government where everybody has an RFID chip implanted in them. All money is to be in those chips – there’ll be no more cash. And this is given me straight from Rockefeller himself; this is what they want to accomplish.”


Aaron died “from cancer” not too long later, but don’t worry about that.


Others who jumped onboard after ID2020 started were Mercy Corps, Kiva, Hyperledger, iRespond, Care Intl, Simprints, the UN’s International Computing Center, Family Health International (FHI360), and Berkeley’s “Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society” (CITRIS) lab. A lot of heavy hitting stuff there; a university to fund research into best surveillance practices and implementation of this ID tech, a well-established blockchain organization affiliated with the Linux foundation, literally Microsoft, billionaire financiers, pro-bono legal support (Chapman/Cutler), comms support from Copperfield, entrenched biometrics tech companies, international aid orgs to spread it to underdeveloped nations, and affiliation with a vax organization, right around the time of a major virus… all backing one universal ID labeled years in advance with the year it’d come out?


Nothing. To. See. Here.


Additionally in the “nothing to see here” category? A pandemic sweeping the globe, tainting all paper currency, and pushing people to stop using it. That’s happening alongside the nationalization of the Federal Reserve, and the introduction of trillions more dollars into the economy; digital of course. And don’t even think about looking into what Bill Gates said about his Foundation’s work in digital money. Nope. Or the fact he said, “The foundation is involved in digital money, but unlike Bitcoin it would not be anonymous digital money…. Over the next 5 years I think digital money will catch on in India and parts of Africa and help the poorest a lot.” The poor… like the first ones to get ID2020? Nah.


But let’s look at the side project of one of the ID2020 founders, Accenture – The Digital Dollar Project. Their claim, in bold letterhead on their official site, is that they’re “LEADING THE DISCUSSION ON A U.S. CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCY”. They claim, “To ensure the dollar can serve the broadest possible range of uses in a increasingly digital global economy and thereby maintain its privileged position and support orderly adjustment in international monetary relations, consideration needs to be given to plans to adopt a digital dollar issued by the Federal Reserve System.” Their project directors include David Treat – Senior Managing Director, co-Lead of Accenture’s Blockchain Business and Accenture Lead of the NY Fintech Innovation Lab.


Funny… Accenture blockchain, attached to a universal blockchain-based identification system, reliant on prints and facial recognition, is being pushed as a way to help administer vaccines. It’s set up for release in a year which so happens to have an overhyped pandemic unnecessarily overloading the healthcare system, and being used as an excuse to push martial law. This pandemic is also being used as an excuse to amp up defense production to a fascist degree, with the idea of suspension of habeas corpus being seriously kicked around. While people are indoors, infrastructure is being installed which would enable government to widely implement 5G, a thing used in China in order to mass control the population. This 5G is used there to enable a facial tracking, biometrics-ready, superstate control grid. This comes out alongside the EARN IT act, banning encryption, that I discussed in my encryption article. All of it came out exactly a year into a campaign by many social media giants and governments to mock and silence anyone even remotely anti-vax, anti-5G, or really anti-gov at all; the most recent high profile example being Zerohedge. It happened after Denver International Airport remodeled, covering the murals they’d had up for years, which appear to depict mass death, prior to world government, and peace, and after they installed a laughing gargoyle to mock truthers. It happened a year after Bilderberg’s topics were:


  1. A Stable Strategic Order
  2. What Next for Europe?
  3. Climate Change and Sustainability
  4. China
  5. Russia
  6. The Future of Capitalism
  7. Brexit
  8. The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
  9. The Weaponisation of Social Media
  10. The Importance of Space
  11. Cyber Threats


Nothing to see here.

Yes. The virus is bad, and I’m not saying it’s not. In fact, I’m implying that there are some people (who for legal reasons, I won’t name), might not mind a blood sacrifice once in awhile, to grease the wheels of the machine, grinding them ever-upward toward new heights of authority and mass-enslavement. Maybe we’re a prison planet, and this is the warden telling us what it looks like when people are visibly upset with the-way-things-are, by banning public rebellion, and limiting our yard time. Maybe the problem extends deeper than not washing hands (which yes, you should absolutely do), and maybe there are some very nasty people not letting this good crisis go to waste.




But in the end, who’s really responsible for the current state of things?


Who forced the people under a single economic paradigm, with rules against running voluntary businesses outside prescribed guidelines? Who forced the prices of things so high, forced wages to an arbitrary threshold, inflated the dollar, and bailed out a failed housing market? Who destroyed small businesses by building and catering to megacorporations, thus pushing the masses into densely populated urban zones, and away from sprawl? Who artificially subsidized farms, and banned useful fiberplants like hemp? Who packed us in the only housing we can afford – shared housing, or apartments (if we’re lucky), and made it less possible for us to own homes than any generation previously? Who pushed us into a media-regurgitating lifestyle, so if a celebrity or corporate news talkinghead told us things were fine, we’d believe them? Who taught us that conformity was strength, and made us rely on tech that tracked us everywhere?


Who used this environment to make it seem like they care about workers, when really all they were doing was pushing dirty labor global? Who used global alliances and hegemony to push a military and intelligence industrial complex, killing vastly more than Covid will? Who used these regional footholds near developing nations to exploit those nations to build our tech and useless trinkets? Who helped massively pollute those areas, rendering the people living in them unhealthy, and especially vulnerable to disease? Who pushed the majority of production to China and other similarly less-restricted nations, and maintained a global marketplace to keep this going? Who suppressed the numbers of dead and infected, hid news about potential biowarfare, and jailed people for being critical of all this? Who botched tests, slowed private tests, and induced panic buying, pushing people into even denser spaces in lines and in rushes through stores? Who let this disease spread over that global and local network for months, despite warnings, and a huge simulation predicting exactly this last November? Who potentially seeks to gain a network of universal identification, monitoring, and control, because of this? Who gets to kick the can down the road, regarding the eventual necessary collapse of the dollar, which is the world reserve currency because of what THEY DID?



That’s right – government.


But remember! We’re at war – that excuses all this! Or, maybe it’s just that – an excuse; and one we should reject. As Smedley Butler also said…


“How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle? Out of war nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious. They just take it. This newly acquired territory promptly is exploited by the few — the selfsame few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill.”


So when you see the oppression coming down the pike, just remember who was responsible for this disaster. These people create problems, manipulate reactions, and offer pre-packed solutions as churned out, vulnerable, and temporary, as pressboard furniture, and 100% less useful, if not doing more harm than good. And both fake-private businesses like Academi, and private businesses the world over, are only too happy to ride their artificial highs, no matter how many people die in the process; long as the dollars keep flowing in, they’ve little reason to change. China will continue to be massively unhealthy, and if they ever need a new foreign scapegoat for their inevitable failure coming home to roost, or to justify their continued expansion of powers, and threats to your liberty, trust that they have a veritable cornucopia to pick from. Your task is to remain vigilant, and to never forget what they’ve done, what they must do in order to sustain the current trajectory, and what they’ll do to buffer the impact – for themselves exclusively – when it all comes crashing down, like all EMPIRES have. You can either practice for the collapse or be crushed under the rubble, and knowing is half the battle.


“It is better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.”

Jeremiah Harding

An angry anarchist bent on black-pilling the universe, he hits hard on everything ranging from taxation to technocracy. Everything is a conspiracy, or at least that's what he wants you to think. He's written for Poliquads, various libertarian sites, and his personal anti-state propaganda site, which launched last year. He has a podcast, called The Weekly Hellscape, where he details the week's news, from the opposite perspective of friendly, and he has a YouTube channel, where he descends into madness. He's coming for all your sacred calves. Stay tuned!