5 Ways The US Government Is Making You Unhealthy

5 Ways The US Government Is Making You Unhealthy

by Jeremiah Harding

Summer is drawing to a close and stores are already starting to put out Halloween decorations and eggnog. It’s that time when consumerism can’t quite decide what time of the year it is, and how close to the 4th of July Christmas is. A lot of people think there is no time left to get their beach bod, not that it would matter much this year anyway, especially  considering that coronavirus is being used as an excuse to increase government power, and the resulting fascist lockdown has locked down many beaches. But if you see what’s coming down the pike, and you’re as pessimistic about it as I am, you need to work on your body for other reasons. There might come a time when you need to use it in order to defend yourself and your network from physical attack (the coming tyranny) and the fact that it’s largely already here.


But the state already knows this. They’ve spent your entire life training you to be a servant, and they want you just mobile and energetic enough to work the machines, but not enough to ask how the machines are destroying everyone around you, and certainly not enough to do anything about it. It’s for this reason that the state has done a lot to make and keep you unhealthy. Most people don’t know about one or more of them though, and it’s in that spirit that I write this article (likely a part of a series) about five ways the US government keeps you unhealthy.


5) Subsidy


First, let me get this out of the way. Subsidies are bad – really bad. They often give too much money to people and realize it after the fact. They call it “unintentional”, but it seems to me a really convenient way to grease contracts up. They also give money to dead people and occasionally just lose it. The money they do mean to give people is given to 18 farming entities, which comprise the vast majority of food production in the US, rather than boosting individuals or small farmers who actually might need assistance in getting off the ground. This incestuous and nepotistic relationship with major corporations creates what would be monopolies, were the US smaller. All this serves to do is concentrate wealth in the hands of the already wealthy, and send it to places where it wouldn’t go naturally through market transactions. It goes to cities, wealthy farmers, and literally Beverly Hills, New York City, and Hawaii County, all places with very low, if any, farming activity. That’s when they’re not just giving it to their own government employees, or otherwise handing it directly to government agencies outside the “bread basket”. And that’s when they’re not actively paying people not to farm and to destroy crops.


So, where does this subsidy go when it actually is funding food? It goes to monocrop farms which deplete the soil constantly, all for the purposes of producing a highly genetically modified, uniform crop of mostly carbohydrates. This is the main reason why corn/grain products tend to be the cheapest items in grocery stores and fast food outlets.  The resultant high fructose corn syrup is also why there is so much sugar in everything, but I’ll be getting into that a little bit later. The US government has made the primary “food group” people consume carbohydrates, and as a result, people are overwhelmingly affected by liver, kidney, cardiovascular, and more diseases. And since the crops produced primarily also produce wildly unhealthy oils, those are often also staples of the American diet. These oils are bad for your cardiovascular system, among many other organ systems, and are poorly processed by the liver, usually just stored in your body. This means many Americans are also fat, and disproportionately, the poorer you are, the less high quality and varied ingredients you can afford, so obesity, diabetes, and a host of other issues, overwhelmingly affect poor people more than middle class, and wealthy. This brings me to my next point…


4) They’re keeping you poor


Upward mobility is at an all-time low. The lockdowns and subsequent economic decline from coronavirus has shut down many small businesses for good, transferring yet more wealth and power to major corporations, and banks. So-called “stimulus” has destroyed what little was left of peoples’ savings, and continued stimulus will someday cause an interest crisis and runaway inflation. The US is printing and spending itself into a Weimar Republic… a Zimbabwe… a Venezuela… take your pick.


What does that mean for the diet of poor people? Well, the previous point should give you an idea. They’re going to eat low quality carbs, and lots of them. And rest assured, there is no shortage of highly processed “food products” for consumers to spend their “stimulus” checks on. Additionally, the lockdown has caused many people to rely on delivery of junk food to their house, since they think going into public places is dangerous. This junk food is not only high in carbohydrates, but it’s also high in unhealthy fats, and has plastics in it that stay in your blood for a long time. This diet and society lead to a long list of health conditions, in addition to other problems.


3) Indoctrination


The common American child is shown things like the food pyramid, which overwhelmingly recommends a diet primarily comprised of carbs, and allowing way too much sugar in that diet to be healthy. Then, they’re bombarded with advertisements from those same corporations, who also happen to receive their share of stolen taxpayer loot (called “stimulus”). Those ads advertise a high sugar diet, and a bunch of things which are deemed a “part of a balanced breakfast.”. Then, since these food regulations are US-wide and a part of “public policy”, children sent to public schools will be fed these same toxic, nutritionally deficient meals. And never in this process are children taught anything about nutrition. Just as with the “schooling, the State wants just enough nutritional value to shut the kids up, so they can go back to regurgitating things into test forms for public funding. This, combined with the fact that kids are taught holidays are directly related to candy and other sweets, means that a child is trained to accept treats as rewards and celebrations, and becomes a modern day Pavlovian dog in human form. And getting used to this leads me to my next point…


2) Stress


The stress starts young, with a sleep schedule has drawn comparisons to torture by those who would know. When kids should be getting used to a circadian rhythm, where they fall asleep at night and wake after the sun rises, they instead have to wake up at ungodly hours, get ready with their high sugar meal – (which really isn’t a meal, but a snack with toxic, “fortified” vitamins and minerals sprayed on it) they then go to school with high cortisol levels and low energy, only to crash later from the sugar in their breakfast. This accompanies a physical education schedule, which further exhausts them, and does not account for the nutritional deficit in many of their lives, thus causing problems for the remainder of the day. They have to focus on work while also under these high stress conditions, and add to that the stress of growing up in an age of social media, an age of extreme bullying, with huge conformist pressure from the media, and it makes sense why teen suicide is so high.


But it doesn’t end at childhood. This translates very easily into a work life environment of taking ridiculous jobs at terrible hours to make basic necessities, in an economy that progressively rips people off more and more, under a government with more and more restrictions, more and more taxation, and ever increasing levels of brutality, despite lower levels of crime. It’s no wonder that drug abuse is so common; people have to escape this hell of a reality… anything to reduce the stress in their life is considered good. But that stress has physiological effects, damaging every organ system in the body, and reducing the effectiveness of all the ones necessary to keep people alive, healthy, and strong. And this is just the tip of the iceberg, with a deluge of threat from every angle, at least as perceived by the media people watch constantly putting them in a frenzy. All this combines with the food people consume, and creates an environment where the chemicals people ingest are not well understood to them, and often increase cortisol levels as well. This reduces the presence of many other hormones in the body, not the least of which are testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. Male or female, it’s harder to reproduce, and harder to maintain physique. Which I guess isn’t a problem if you want what I’m about to talk about…


1) They’re making you a tax cow


You see, slavery was not abolished. It was universalized and diversified. Now, there are many ways to force labor out of people, and all of them require people’s tacit acceptance, so they do not rebel. This is made easier with a high stress population of people who can’t think straight, because stress reduces your ability to be rational. The more stress somebody is under for longer, the easier they are to control. They found that out in the MKUltra studies. They also discovered it by torturing people in the war FOR terror, along with the single greatest human experiment in history, social media. They found that people are more willing to comply if they believe it will stop a stressor, and that they can get you to accept those solutions more readily and immediately if they remove any option to resist, and only provide several options of controlled opposition in order to keep you on the path that still benefits them, even if you have a false sense of choice. They did all this, while making you fat, servile, and lethargic, and this recent lockdown was the perfect test of all of that, because now everybody is on their couch, or in their office chairs, or just generally at home, doing very little. Physical activity has dropped, health is worse than ever, and more and more junk food is being consumed.


But this is how they want you. The less capable you are of living a healthy lifestyle, the less capable you are of resisting their tyranny. And the less capable you are of breaking off from their system, ceasing its’ parasitism. If you believe you have no other choice, or if you’ve been lulled into a false sense of security to accept the choices that they give you, and if you’re too out of shape to resist anyway, you’re not going to resist, no matter how bad it gets. Not because there’s not a part of you that wants to, but simply because you can’t; you’re simply too sick and tired to fight back. They’ve enacted all these measures on purpose, and many more. I may write another article on this, but the point is, they’ve done all this intentionally, in order to keep you from rising up.


As a result, they get what Otep would call, “happy little slaves for the minimum wage”, and that’s if you’re fortunate enough to be in the yard of this open air prison they call a “country”. They gave you a serial number at birth, and forced you into a system of debt to compel you to pay off said debt, even though it’s not yours to pay off. Then, they gave you a bunch of credit cards paired with endless consumerist propaganda to keep you on the teat.


To reiterate: they tax you endlessly to fund their programs, inflate the dollar to destroy the economy and ruin your savings when tax isn’t enough, driving the economy into the dirt, all while a few elites make a huge amount of money, and immediately dump it into assets, so that they’ll be secure once this all collapses. As long as you’re a sedentary prole, physically incapable of resistance, they will never have to encounter any resistance, and they can keep on going business as usual, while you unquestioningly build their empire for them. And make no mistake, that’s exactly how they want it.


In conclusion, the real truth is that the single most revolutionary act you can do is to not be their “model citizen”, and instead get yourself in good enough physical shape that if they ever order you to do something that you are not morally willing to do for one reason or another, you have the physical fortitude to not only tell them no, but put your muscles where your mouth is. They want you passive, unhealthy, and controllable, so you fit nicely in their mold. The more swole you get, the harder it is to fit you in, and the harder it is to keep you there. That is, if you want this freedom to begin with (which they have done a very good job of getting the common person to avoid, even going so far as to actively hate people for their freedom). The freedom of your next door neighbor is at risk every time a Karen is made, and every new piece of control is another threat to your life. So take your health into your own hands, and stop relying on their system to give you a good idea of how to live. Their system was specifically designed to enslave you, no matter what your position is in this alleged “society”.


So, get fit, break your chains, and smash the state.



Jeremiah Harding

An angry anarchist bent on black-pilling the universe, he hits hard on everything ranging from taxation to technocracy. Everything is a conspiracy, or at least that's what he wants you to think. He's written for Poliquads, various libertarian sites, and his personal anti-state propaganda site, which launched last year. He has a podcast, called The Weekly Hellscape, where he details the week's news, from the opposite perspective of friendly, and he has a YouTube channel, where he descends into madness. He's coming for all your sacred calves. Stay tuned!